PIGMENT ENHANCEMENT FORMULA Our Pigment Enhancement Formula is a Carotenoid Supplement designed to enhance the diet and appearance of Reptiles, Fish, Amphibians and Birds. INFORMATION: Contains a “broad spectrum” of Carotenoids including, but not limited to: Astaxanthin, Capsanthin, Capsorubin, Apsorubin, Beta-Carotene, Alpha Carotene, Beta Cryptoxanthin, Zeaxanthin, Neoaxanthin, Cucurbitaxanthin, Violaxanthin, Lutein, Echineone, Canthaxanthin and Lycopene. DIRECTIONS: This product can be used in many ways. It can be mixed into complete feeds (Repashy’s Crested Gecko MRP contains 4% SuperPig). It can be supplemented in higher doses intermittently. It can be added to a Gutload Formula for insects. It can be sprinkled on veggies, mixed with vitamin or calcium powders, mixed into any premade diet, or can be used to dust insects directly. SuperPig can also be mixed with water and injected into thawed whole rodents, or worked into ground meat products, mixed into bird seed or pellets. Refrigeration will extend product life. INGREDIENTS: Calendula Flower, Pfaffia Rhodozyma Yeast, Paprika, Marigold Flower, Algae Meal, (Chlorella) RoseHips, Hibiscus Flower, Turmeric.