The perfect treat pack for your tortoises. Give them some extra variety in their diet with our range of edible flowers that all have individual benefits.
Packed with extra vitamins, minerals, anti inflammatory properties, immune boosters and calming properties as well as being tasty!
100g Herby Pre Alpin Testudo pellets - standard fibre
10g Hibiscus
10g Rose Petal Pack
10g Marigold Petal Pack
Pre Alpin Testudo Herb Tortoise Food:
Tortoises are herbivores which depend on high quality food. The observation of wild tortoises as well as the examination of their anatomy and their digestive tract reveals what a diet is appropriate for these animals. The well-developed appendix enables tortoises to extract a sufficient amount of nutrients from grasses and herbs which are rich in crude fibre and, at the same time, have an extremely low protein content. Extensively used meadows which are usually strongly fertilised are to rich for tortoises and may cause a multitude of diseases. The food available for tortoises in their natural habitat resembles the plant variety of meagre Upper Bavarian meadows with a high degree of diversity.
Provided that their diet is natural and rich in herbs and that they are well kept tortoises may become very old.
PRE ALPIN Testudo Herbs and PRE ALPIN Testudo Fibre provide an appropriate food for these animals which is adjusted to their digestive apparatus.
PRE ALPIN Testudo Herbs and Fibre are therefore a valuable main component of the daily rations. The combination of fresh plants from meagre meadows on which over 60 different grass and herb species grow offers a rich and balanced diet for the animals.
PRE ALPIN Testudo Herbs and Fibre for all tortoises…
offer a diet replicating the natural habitat of tortoises
ensure an optimum crude fibre supply and thus a healthy intestinal flora
do not contain any cereals or animal products
offer an ideal calcium/phosphorus ratio
can be freely offered at any time
are free of flavouring, conservation and binding substances or pressing aids
are highly recommended by the Institute for Zoology in Munich
Feeding Recommendation
Soak Testudo Original Cobs in water for 10–20 minutes, in quantities appropriate for the animal’s size. The tortoise may then consume as much as it wants
serve fresh feed daily
Single feed for tortoises, ingredients:
Cobs made from meadow grasses and herbs