What is Cloverleaf Absolute Repti-Vet Antiseptic Wound Spray?
Cloverleaf Absolute Repti-Vet Antiseptic Wound Spray is the ideal solution to any cuts or open wounds on your reptile. As a topical treatment, it works on all known bacteria, viruses and fungal spores on contact and will help reptiles to heal naturally. This helps wounds to seal on their own resulting in a quicker and safer healing process. In an easy-to-use 100 ml spray bottle, Repti-Vet Antiseptic Wound Spray is the perfect addition to your reptile first aid kit.
Always ensure the root cause of illness is investigated in all cases of the disease.
Where should I spray this reptile medication?
To kill germs and heal small wounds Repti-Vet Antiseptic Wound Spray can be applied to any external surfaces of your reptiles skin avoiding contact with their eyes.
How to use:
Generously spray on the infected area, maintaining contact for 1-2 seconds before returning your animal to its enclosure. Repeat daily for 4 days, with a 3-4 day break in between, until healing is evident.
For targeted application, you may also remove the spray lid and use a damp cue tip. Topical treatment only.